Watch House CC provides secure mooring for boats of any length although broad beams are not currently being taken on. On the tow path side, as well as the clubhouse itself which includes the bar, there is a Utility Room with an elsan, toilet, shower, water hose and electricity which can be used by Full members. There is also a pump out and a sewing room. A work shop is planned for the near future and members have a wealth of boating experience to benefit from.
Watch House CC asks that any boater or potential boater becomes an Associate Member before making an application to become a Full Member with a mooring.
While an Associate the applicant should demonstrate a commitment to the club by visiting it and joining in with club activities where appropriate. Activities include work parties, cruises and social events and these are also some of the requirements of Full Membership. Applicants would receive the monthly newsletter informing them of what is happening at the club.
After this time 2 Full Members of the club would be in a position to propose and second the application for a mooring.
It should also be noted that Watch House does not have any residential moorings.
The club is run by its members through a committee consisting of a Chairperson, Treasurer, House Officer, Mooring Officer, Commodore, Social Secretary and Secretary.
Membership forms can be found here