Health & Safety Policy / Rules
Members Rules and Guidelines June 2022
The club is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its members and will, so far as is reasonably practicable, establish procedures necessary to implement this commitment and to comply with its statuary obligations on Health and Safety.
It is the responsibility of each club member to familiarise themselves with the Club’s procedures on
health and safety and comply with them.
While the Club will take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of its members, it is the duty of each member to take reasonable care of their own and other people’s health, safety and welfare and to report any situation that may pose a serious or imminent threat to themselves or any other person.
If a member is unsure how to perform a certain task or feels it would be dangerous to perform a specific job or use specific equipment, then it is their duty to report this as soon as possible to a Committee Member.
The Club will endeavour to provide and maintain a healthy and safe environment with the objective of
minimising the number of instances of accidents and illnesses.
Any defective tools must not be used and the defective item/s reported to a Committee Member at
the earliest opportunity.
The Club will:
• Maintain their property in a safe condition.
• Make provision for the maintenance of equipment.
• Make provision for the safe use, handling and storage of articles and substances.
• Provide such information as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of its members and other persons and, when appropriate, complete a Risk Assessment prior to an event.
Members have a responsibility to themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions as regards health and safety. They are required to:
• Adopt safe practices.
• Comply with all guidelines.
• Ensure accidents/incidents are reported to a Committee Member. This includes reporting if a member is unsure how to perform a specific task or feels it would be dangerous to perform a specific task or use specific equipment.
• Inform a Committee Member of any concerns or deficiencies in health and safety arrangements.
• First Aid boxes are available behind the bar, in the kitchen and the workshop
• A defibrillator is installed in the clubhouse
• All accidents or injuries must be reported to a Committee Member, who will be responsible for ensuring that the incident is investigated and an entry made in the Accident Book, kept behind the bar.
• Members must conduct their activities in such a manner as to minimise the risk of fire.
• Members have a duty to report any fire or potential fire hazards
• All fire regulations applying to the club must be complied with
• All members craft must have fire equipment to Boat Safety Standards
• Fire extinguishers must be maintained to an appropriate standard
• All members should be aware of and adhere to the Club’s rules and procedures on health and safety
• No member should undertake a job which appears to be unsafe or beyond their capabilities
• All waste material must be disposed of in a manner that does not cause a hazard to members or others
• Materials and equipment must be used in a proper and safe manner and safely stored/secured when not in use.
• Suitable safety/protective equipment must be worn when appropriate
• The work place or work area must be kept in a clean and tidy condition
• Members should be made aware of hot surfaces and appliances and sharp utensils
• All spillages should be cleaned up immediately or the area cordoned off to prevent accidents
• Breakages should be carefully removed and disposed of in a safe and proper manner
• Regular Pest Control is essential
• A Food Hygiene Certificate should be held by a member working in the kitchen
• Members should familiarise themselves with the location of any life saving equipment, including the defibrillator
• When using the hose pipe care should be taken not to endanger or inconvenience any boater or tow path user
• When using the electric cable it should be covered with the ramp provided.
• When using the pump out care should be taken not to endanger tow path users
A copy of this document is on the notice board in the clubhouse